Sonntag, 29. April 2012

Formless Terror Дискографија (2007 - 2015)

MCD Promo (demo) 2007

1.Dwelling in Necrochaos 
2.Antimatter Vortex 
3.Breeding Inexorable Scorn

Infected Flesh / Genocide / Stillbirth / Formless Terror 
 Supreme Brutal Legion Vol. 3 (split) 2008

 Formless Terror
2.Dwelling in Necrochaos
3.Antimatter Vortex
4.Breeding Inexorable Scorn

5.The Art of Lust
6.Trueless Lies
7.Lost Lines
8.Blood for Blood
Infected Flesh
9.Engargloying the Dethroned
10.Obtuse Obtrouse Dislimbment
11.Primary Erradication By Intensive Neocavernism
12.Taciturnal Tantric Treachery
13.Individual Related
14.Happy Stillbirth Party
15.Schmand An Der Hand
16.Faces of Meth

 Sovereign Chaos Authority 2011

1.Feeding the Necrovoid
2.Antimater Vortex
3.March for the Savior’s Head
4.Disturbing the Equilibrium
5.Breeding Inexorable
6.Dwelling in Necrochaos
7.Immaculate Dominance of Inquity
8.Usurper Legion
9.Metastasis of Chaos

A Pax of Heretical Evolution  2015

1.Giants of Unconquerable Bloodline
2.Protocols of Necroformation
4.Enslave, Absorb, Transform
5.Scorching Orion
6.Spectacle of Cosmic Debauchery
7.Havoc Star
8.Ascend into Perfect Anomaly
9.Bowels of Chaos

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