Into the Chesfern Wood 2020
1.Borough's of Old
2.Oaken Tale's in the White Forest
3.Hearthside of the Mossy-Rock Farm
4.Entrance to the Nekkethian Dwarves
5.Tower of the Wailing Moons
6.Woodside Passage of the Chesfern Wood
7.Throat of the Misty High Mountains
8.The Majesty of Arazun Fortress
The Candlelight Tomes 2021
1.Mourning of the Fallen Dwarven Lords
2.The Maiden Under the Twilight Moon
3.The Bygone Hall of the Tower of Wailing Moons
4.Frostcrown of the Ice Meadow
5.Hoarfrost Winter Pines
6.Scrolls of Unearthed Elder Magick
7.Alchemical Conjurings of the Lonely Hermit
8.Clandestine Doorways of Vordun's Fortress
1.The Royal Lament
2.Tales of Wizardrdy and Earthbound Lore
3.A Whisper in the Night
4.Silent Tongue of a Ancient Wood
5.Northern Dunes of Gal-Salaathi
6.Chalice of Mana in the Soul Moonspire
7.Heart of the Forest
8.And Old and Ancient Sorcery,Conjured within the Golden Birchwood