Donnerstag, 30. August 2012

Мартин Аврамовски(lead gitarist of Hatred) - " Life Is 1 " (2012)

Life Is 1 2012
1. Intro 
2. Dystopia (feat. Pechur) 
3. Life Is 1 (feat Zax & Pechur) 
4. Alter (Hatred cover) 
5. Against Everything (feat. Riste Golaboski) 
6. Outro 

Mittwoch, 29. August 2012

Haziel Discography (2009 - 2010)

Certeza da Vida (demo) 2009

2. Certeza da Vida
3. Esperança em Deus 
 Batalhas (demo) 2010

1.Aceldama (instrumental)
4. Esperança em Deus 
5. Soldiers Under Command (Stryper cover)

Samstag, 25. August 2012

Truster - "Apocalipse Cine Trash" (demo) 2009


Apocalipse Cine Trash (demo) 2009

1.Verdade Ataque 
3.Inimigo Agressivo 
5.Apocalipse Cine Trash

Common yet Forbidden Discography (2005 - 2007)

We Suffer Violence EP 2005

2.1-900-Jesus-Loves-Me (They Tell Me I'm Going to Hell) 
3.Song Of Pennance 
4.Throw Down Your Crowns 

The Struggle 2007

1.The Struggle
2.The Prodigal 
3.Lake of Fire, Wake of Souls 
4.Saints O' Saints 
5.Face of the Father 
6.We Only Chase Wind 
8.Dead Alive
9.Still We Remain 
10.Riff List

Dienstag, 21. August 2012

Hardfaced Дискографија (2007 - 2019)

More Than Hate 2007

1.Born Loser
 2.Pain Remains
 3.More Than Hate
 5.Who's to Blame
 7.Final Delusion

 Show Them What They Fear 2011

 2.Flame Still Burns
 3.These Fists
 4.Running Your Own Shadows
 5.Haunting Memory
 6.Mark My Words
 7.As You Die
 8.Show Them What They Fear
 9.(Празна чаша) - Empty Glass

Dying Lake 2014

1.Parting Waves
2.The Sleeper
3.Antagonist of the Truth
4.Cold Empty Heart
5.Dying Lake
6.End up in Smoke
8.Dvete Zla -
Двeтe зла
9.Fiery Ring

Dreamless Slumber At the Shores of Youth 2019

2.Black Sun
3.Ножот Крвав
4.Power Of Fear
5.Through Waves
7.Implored By Hate
9.Exhibitions Of Brutality

Dark Procession Discography (2006 - 2011)

Ghost Echoes 2006

1.Fading Autumn 
2.Portrait of Silence 
3.Upon My Return... 
4.Forest Throne 
5.As I Silently Watch 
8.Farewell Ashes 
9.The Dawn Haunts the Ghost

 Mists of Darkness EP 2006

2.Mists of Darkness 
3.Burn the Twilight 
4.Nox Noctis 
5.En Vind Av Sorg (Darkthrone cover) 
6.Amidst Sorrow

 Requiem IV (split) 2008

Dark Procession

1.The Dark Foreshadow   
3.The Mourning    
4.Beneath the Sky We Die and Drown in the Moors          


5.The Initial Shock of Mortality     
6.Anger Towards Thy Beloved     
7.Sadness Hath Consumed All       
8.Final Acceptance of the Inevitable           
9.Cold Silence in Deep Slumber Following Thy Light

Dark Procession / Light Shall Prevail / Flaskavsae / Njiqahdda 
 Faith in the Blood of Christ (split) 2008

1.Flaskavsae - Blood of Christ
2.Dark Procession - Celestial Depths Ruin
3.Drømmer - Funerals
4.Light Shall Prevail - Epicism
5.Njiqahdda - Taaegnuub
6.Lavome - Bass.Wave.Compression.

 Eternal Autumn Solitude 2011

1. ...And Despair 
2.Eternal Autumn Solitude 
3.Haven Of Fire 
4.Midsummer Reveries 
5.Forests Of The Dawn 
6.Upon The Harvest Sky 
7.Hymns Of The Ashes

Flaskavsae Discography (2005 - 2018)

Celestial 2005

1.Rock of Celestiia 
2.Without War 
3 Raised By Fire 
4.Lucid Intervals 
6.Blood for Their Idols 
7.Mythos Unseen 
8.The Clouds Shall Cover

Eclipse In Tides EP 2006

 1.Head First Into Oblivion   
2.Wars Developed From Ignorance      
3.Trusting In The Son       
4.Eclipse In Tides     
5.Incomplete Endless Mystery

Nahum / Flaskavsae (split) 2006


1.Tribulations of the Cross
2.Mighty God
3.Threatened but Trusting
4.Prayer of an Afflicted Sinner


5.Playing the Harlot
6.He Built no More
7.Portrayed upon the Wall

 Philosophies 2007

1.Twilight Reminiscent of Slumer 
2.Parallels to Nothing 
3.Eating Light 
5.The Longest Ritual 
6.When Forever is Lost 
7.The Shortest Ritual 
8.Wotansvoid-False Deity 

Celestial Eclipses (compilation) 2007

1.Rock of Celestiia 
2.Without War 
3.Raised By Fire 
4.Lucid Intervals 
6.Blood For Their Idols 
7.Mythos Unseen 
8.The Clouds Shall Cover 
9.Head First Into Oblivion 
10.Wars Developed From Ignorance 
11.Trusting in the Son 
12 Eclipse In Tides 
13.Incomplete Endless Mystery 
14.Playing the Harlot 
15.He Built No More 
16.Portrayed Upon the Wall

  Requiem IV (split) 2008

Dark Procession

1.The Dark Foreshadow   
3.The Mourning 
4.Beneath the Sky We Die and Drown in the Moors         


5.The Initial Shock of Mortality   
6.Anger Towards Thy Beloved      
7.Sadness Hath Consumed All        
8.Final Acceptance of the Inevitable        
9.Cold Silence in Deep Slumber Following Thy Light 

 Parallels To Nothing: Demos 2006 - 2007 (compilation) 2008

1.Philosophies I (Intro) 
2.Twilight Reminiscent of Slumber 
3.Parallels to Nothing I 
4.Playing the Harlot 
5.Portrayed Upon the Wall 
6.He Built No More 
7.Eclipse in Tides 
8.Incomplete Endless Mystery 
9.Parallels to Nothing II 
10.Philosophies II (Outro)

In Memory EP 2008

2.His Final Winter 
3.During The Reign of Sorrow 
4.In Memory

Dark Procession / Light Shall Prevail / Flaskavsae / Njiqahdda 
Faith in the Blood of Christ (split) 2008 

1.Flaskavsae - Blood of Christ 
2.Dark Procession - Celestial Depths Ruin 
3.Drømmer - Funerals 
4.Light Shall Prevail - Epicism 
5.Njiqahdda - Taaegnuub 
6.Lavome - Bass.Wave.Compression.

 Light Shall Prevail / Flaskavsae (split) 2008


1.Hymns Of Praise 
2.Metaphysical Quest
3.Petitioning The Heavens 
4.The Coming Endtimes 

Light Shall Prevail

6.The Knot Within The Rope 
7.Entangled By Bonds
8....To Never Speak Again

Christmas EP 2008

1.The Birth of Jesus
2.The Coming of the Wise Men 
3....and Know Her Not Till 
4.Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh 
5.The Flight into Egypt 
6.There is No Christmas Without Christ

Two Pillars 2010

1.The Most Holy Place
2.Figures Of Angels, Palm Trees And Open Flowers
3.The Hall Of The Forest Of Lebanon
4.Throne Room (Or Judgement Hall)
5.Overlaid With Gold
6.The Ark Of The Covenant Of The Lord
7.Two Statues Of Angels
8.Forgive Your People
9.Megiddo And Gezer
10.Two Pillars

Discography (2005 - 2010) 2018


1.1.Rock of Celestiia 
2.Without War 
3 Raised By Fire 
4.Lucid Intervals 
6.Blood for Their Idols 
7.Mythos Unseen 
8.The Clouds Shall Cover
9.Head First Into Oblivion 
10.Wars Developed From Ignorance 
11.Trusting In The Son 
12.Eclipse In Tides 
13.Incomplete Endless Mystery


1.Twilight Reminiscent of Slumer 
2.Parallels to Nothing 
3.Eating Light 
5.The Longest Ritual 
6.When Forever is Lost 
7.The Shortest Ritual 
8.Wotansvoid-False Deity 


1.Philosophies I (Intro) 
2.Twilight Reminiscent of Slumber 
3.Parallels to Nothing I 
4.Playing the Harlot 
5.Portrayed Upon the Wall 
6.He Built No More 
7.Eclipse in Tides 
8.Incomplete Endless Mystery 
9.Parallels to Nothing II 
10.Philosophies II (Outro)


2.His Final Winter 
3.During The Reign of Sorrow 
4.In Memory
5.Hymns Of Praise 
6.Metaphysical Quest 
7.Petitioning The Heavens 
8.The Coming Endtimes


1.Playing the Harlot 
2.He Built no More 
3.Portrayed upon the Wall
4.The Birth of Jesus
5.The Coming of the Wise Men
6....and Know Her Not Till
7.Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh
8.The Flight into Egypt
9.There Is No Christmas Without Christ


1.The Most Holy Place 
2.Figures Of Angels, Palm Trees And Open Flowers 
3.The Hall Of The Forest Of Lebanon 
4.Throne Room (Or Judgement Hall) 
5.Overlaid With Gold
 6.The Ark Of The Covenant Of The Lord 
7.Two Statues Of Angels 
8.Forgive Your People 
9.Megiddo And Gezer 
10.Two Pillars


1.The Initial Shock of Mortality 
2.Anger Towards Thy Beloved 
3.Sadness Hath Consumed All 
4.Final Acceptance of the Inevitable 
5.Cold Silence in Deep Slumber Following Thy Light

Light Shall Prevail Discography (2006 - 2021)

Defeat the Reign of the Horned One Through the Light of Christ 2006

1.The Lament of the Prophet
2.Wicked Deeds of the Rich
3.The Remnant Regathered
4.The Coming of Law and Peace
5.The Lord Reigns in Zion
6.Idols And Weapons Destroyed
7.The Council of Despair
8.Trust in God's Salvation
9.The Sure Destruction
10.Thy Wound Is Grievous

Goatcrush EP 2006

1.Refusal Of Damnation
2.The Call To Repentance
4.Revelation Has Begun
5.Symbol Of The Siege And Exile

 Five (split) 2006

1.Light Shall Prevail - One :1: 
2.Agathothodion - Two :2: 
3.Light Shall Prevail - Three :3: 
4.Agathothodion - Four :4: 
5.Light Shall Prevail - Five :5:

Beyond Our Shores / What Once Was Shell Never Again Be (split) 2006


Beyond Our Shores

1.Journey Into Glory
2.We Alone
3.Warships From The Northern Sea
4.Fall Of The White Fortress
5.Beyond Our Shores
6.An Elegy For Fallen Heroes


What Once Was Shell Never Again Be

7.Beholding The Throne Of Christ
8.Defeated Once And For All
9.What Once Was Shall Never Again Be

 Visions of Life (DVD) 2007

1.Ashes Fall 
2.Stuck In The Black Ice (Short) 
3.Stuck In The Black Ice (Movie) 
4.Theories To Lift The Gate 
5.Burning Winter Burns 
6.Set Me Frozen Ablaze 
7.The Torment Of Separation 
8.Thy Wound Is Grievous

 I Long to Destroy the Darkness Forever (compilation) 2007


1.In Bereavement
2.Stuck in the Black Ice
3.Cradled in Earth
4.Lay Flowers on My Grave
5.Theories to Lift the Gate
6.Evil Black Darkness in the Shadows
7.Ashes Fell Beneath
8.Ashes Fall
9.Buried Beneath
10.Stuck in the Black Ice (Demo 2001)


1. Burning Winter Burns
 2.The Lake of Blod
3.The Dark Dark Fortress
4.Burning Embers Fell Like Snowflakes
5.Wolves Guard Our Mausoleum
6.Set Me Frozen Ablaze
7.One Thousand Winters
8.The Sins That Transcend Generations
9.A Time for Everything
10.He Who Sitteth in the Heavens
11.The Torment of Seperation
12.The Light at the End of Existence
14.Overwhelming Grimness
15.Everlasting Grimness
16.In Times of Grace


4.Beholding the Throne of Christ
5.Defeated Once and for All
6.What Once Was Shall Never Again Be
7.Covenant of Blood
8.A War Cry for All to Hear

Retrospective (compilation) 2007

1.Transient I
2.The Dark Dark Fortress (A-Demo)
3.There Is Something in the Trees
4.One Thousand Winters (Demo)
5.Stuck in the Black Ice (2001 Demo)
6.Lay Flowers on My Grave (Demo)
7.The Dark Dark Fortress (B-Demo)
8.Ashes Fell Beneath (Demo)
9.A Kingdom Divided
10.Passages (Lavome Mix)
11.Echoes (Lavome Mix)
12.Evil Black Darkness in the Shadows (Lavome Remix)
13.Transient II

  Unearthen Hymns of Revolt EP 2007

1.Spake (demo) 
2.Bonded By (His) Blood 
3. ...To Never Speak Again

 Light Shall Prevail / Flaskavsae (split) 2008


1.Hymns Of Praise 
2.Metaphysical Quest 
3.Petitioning The Heavens 
4.The Coming Endtimes 

Light Shall Prevail

6.The Knot Within The Rope 
7.Entangled By Bonds 
8....To Never Speak Again

Dark Procession / Light Shall Prevail / Flaskavsae / Njiqahdda 
Faith in the Blood of Christ (split) 2008 

1.Flaskavsae - Blood of Christ 
2.Dark Procession - Celestial Depths Ruin 
3.Drømmer - Funerals 
4.Light Shall Prevail - Epicism 
5.Njiqahdda - Taaegnuub 
6.Lavome - Bass.Wave.Compression.

Complete Darkness:The EP's 2008

1.Burning Winter Burns
2.The Lake of Blod
3.The Darkdark Fortress
4.Burning Embers Fell Like Snowflakes
5.Wolves Guard Our Mausoleum
6.Set Me Frozen Ablaze
7.One Thousand Winters
8.The Sins That Transcend Generations
9.A Time for Everything
10....He Who Sitteth in the Heavens
11.The Torment of Seperation
12.The Light at the End of Existence
14.Overwhelming Grimness
 15.Everlasting Grimness
16 In Times Of Grace

17.Anti - Evil / Anti - Satan

I Am Dying and Death Will Heal Me... EP 2009

1.I Am Dying and Death Will Heal Me...

Rising From The Ashes Where Flame No Longer Burns 2021

2.The Knot Within the Rope
3.Entangled by Bonds Never Speak Again
5.That Which Changes Nothing
6.Transcending the Land of Graves
7.Bonded by (His) Blood
8.Fulfillment of the Promise
9.Rising From The Ashes Where Flame No Longer Burns